Grey Heron Restaurant

Grey Heron Restaurant

26 March 2021 2022-12-07 19:03

The Grey Heron Restaurant & Bar –
Specialises in Sunday Lunches and much more……

Does your face light up when a Sunday lunch is mentioned?

Look no further for a taste sensation than a roast cooked by our Head Chef including properly marinated meat, flavourful stuffing, roasted vegetables and rich beef gravy, if that doesn’t make your mouth water then why not try one of our traditional dishes and an indulgent dessert. There is no better feeling than enjoying a well prepared meal giving you the freedom and time to spend with family and friends.

Unwind With Us
The Grey Heron Restaurant boasts an ample spacious seating area and lounge style sections perfect to kick back, grab a refreshing beverage and unwind.
Dine & Drink


Afternoon Tea

Dine & Drink


Restaurant Reservations